Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Reeader's Response to The Turtle

"The Turtle" by John Steinbeck is a very symbolic chapter from his novel The Grapes of Wrath. The chapter was extremely descriptive, but i thought that the description got a little tedious. Steinbeck described every level of the turtle's journey and all of the obstacles that stood in its way, including the steep embankment and the ruck which tried to kill it. The head of wild oats symbolized a problem which stick with us forever, that we can't get rid of. Steinbeck also described the turtle as having old, humorous eyes. The whole chapter shows the problems a family has to face when moving from the dust bowl to California. This is clearly a scenic mode, because Steinbeck focused solely on the turtle's movement. Basically, the whole chapter's meaning is: "Life is tough but you should always have your held high high and a smile on your face".

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure that the meaning of the chapter is quite that optomistic. However, I like how you included the "head of wild oats."
