Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Ant -Imitaion of the Turtle

The ant slowly inched forward on the dusty road which was ridged with countless bumps, just like a mountain range. Each step seemed to drain a joule more of energy from its already lifeless body. The burden it carried on its shoulder, a single fresh green leaf for its family, brought its stamina down even more as it trudged down the seemingly endless road. In the middle of the road lay a dip, to the ant is seemed like a massive hole. Everything was magnified for the poor little innocent ant. Just as it was contemplating its current depressing situation in life, a gigantic, vile smelling foot tried to trample the ant. Swearing quietly in antlanguage, it quickly dodged and stealthily crawled back to the saftey of the grass. However, the grass slowed the ant down even more, and it had to move up up down grassy mounds and sharp, stingy leaves. It finally reached its destination, the hole, his home, but he knew, with a sad sigh, that home would just bring more trouble, and he would be better off in the open road. But he didn't want his family to starve.

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