Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Another summer's day; has come and gone away...

No exams today so I had the whole day off. I had planned on doing revision for the whole day excluding breaks, but unfortunately it has turned out to be the opposite. Break for the whole day excluding very minimal revision which consisted mainly of watching Germany's ZDF and ARD as I have German listening tomorrow. Well that went well.

Instead, I spent most of the day... What was I doing for most of the day?

Browsing the web I guess, and catching up on some research and random things I had meant to watch and read for a long time. It's a shame, because I was watching 'Happy Camp' (a Chinese comedy talk show with celebrity guests - in this case SJ-M) and I could have used it as an excuse for Chinese revision except that I have actually already taken my AS exam. Well, it can be classed as valuable preparation for next year's A2 that I will probably be taking. Good research for the essay I will be doing on Chinese culture eh? Unlike most (or basically all) of my Chinese classmates, I am actually looking forward to finally doing some interesting work in those lessons. I just wonder if we'll actually get a decent teacher next year. If not, I might as well teach myself - with a bit of help from my mum if needed of course.

Exams have been chugging along quite nicely so far. Apart from DT and English Paper 1, I am pretty confident with my exams so far. I won't go into detail about the aforementioned two papers. I know that I misspelled two characters in my 200 word essay for Chinese, but the rest of the paper was a breeze so I'm not too worried. Plus, the grade boundary is quite low.

German writing was great, but when I first saw the 2nd task my reaction was of bemusement. 'You have lost your keys. Continue the story.' I do enjoy writing essays and stories in Chinese and German, I do find it one of the many pleasures of being nearly trilingual (yes I know I just made up that word). It makes up for the sad moments when you are leaving one country and going another, and trust me, I know all about that. I think I am immune to the sadness now. That's a lie. Let's just say I'm less susceptible to the sadness. I am not a robot.

There's a debate going on about the answer to our Maths paper. It's puzzling because I am very confident that I got the right answer and my mum agrees that it is, but my two friends both asked their parents and they think their answer is right. I think I shall have to hunt down a maths teacher and find out the truth. I am nearly 100% sure that you can't find the ratio of volumes of two different 3D shapes (in this case a cylinder and sphere with the same radius) just by knowing the surface area. So far as I know, that is only possible in similar shapes, and these definitely weren't. My friend said it was possible as they were directly proportional but I don't see how that has anything to do with this.

Anyway, enough babbling on exams. I only have 6 left! Only? Okay, maybe still. But after the 17th, I will be done with my GCSEs, and all that's left for me to do is wait for the dreaded results. I've already basically said buhbye to straight A*s due to the two papers I do not want to mention ever again, but fingers crossed anyway.

So pumped up for this summer (by which I mean the holidays of course) as I will be voyaging around the Middle Kingdom. In other words, hello land of near eternal heat and high humidity, and mosquitoes. Can't forget those when you have had 20 bites on your legs after less than an hour outside - watching friends play basketball I think it was.

And then I will be in sixth form. Wahey! Looking forward to it. I am very happy with my subject choice although I am aware of the pressures of doing 5 subjects - in my case 6 but Chinese A2 doesn't really count. I guess I'm doing it more because I enjoy learning the language and the course sounds interesting (and it keeps me motivated to keep learning it in more detail) rather than just getting the qualification. I have heard many a time that universities don't really care about those sorts of languages. I feel a bit gutted about not doing German next year, but come on, I tell myself, I can pick it up any time I want by just going back for a while. Biology is more important to me by far.

Oh, and work experience! I'm quite excited actually. I'm looking forward to gaining some insight into the world of work in research. :)

Ah, my nectarine is calling me. I must eat it now.

Tschüüüüüs xxx

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